Monday, August 26, 2013

Ruby in Zoisite  ミートソースの完成ですよ。

 I cooked sauce bolognese short time ago.

I broke a can opener when I tried to open a tomato can.

I hurried to the grossly shop in order to buy new one.

And then I broke it again...

I eventually opened a tomato can by a scissors.

I will buy new can opener which is Japanese style.

Ruby in Zoisite

I will create a lucky pendant that is the only one in the world
for you.


にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 天然石・パワーストーンへ
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Monday, August 19, 2013

Lapis Lazuli Pendant Charm 久々の旅に血沸き立つ

I looked for my destination of thanksgiving trip for several days.

I finally found a summer resort where was Carmel on the sea.

I made a reservation a cottage right away !

Lapis Lazuli

I created this pendant charm for me to wear it during massage session.

I will create a lucky pendant that is the only one in the world 
for you.



にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 天然石・パワーストーンへ
Please Click it. I participate in the ranking.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Lapis Lazuli Wire Wrapping Pendant Charm うふふ

I often shriek and laughter in the middle of the night from the house opposite.

I wonder  about what they do ?

I think that they play................

Lapis Lazuli

I will create a lucky pendant that is the only one in the world
for you.


にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 天然石・パワーストーンへ
Please click it.
I participate in the ranking.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Shelledstone wire wrapping pendant charm 悲しいです。

I deeply scratched side of my car when I left a parking lot.

It was my fault .... (*_*;

Sorry Sorry sorry....


I will create a lucky pendant that is the only one in the world 
for you.


にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 天然石・パワーストーンへ
Please click it. I participate in the ranking.

Opal wire wrapping pendant charm  ほっとするです。

I was in the Gym for a first time in one week .

I had not been there for a week , I had felt too bad.

I really enjoyed. (^v^)


I will create a lucky pendant that is the only one in the world
for you.



にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 天然石・パワーストーンへ
Please click it . I participate in the ranking.

Friday, August 2, 2013

First my creations!   Succulent ちゃん。

I woke up later that usual this morning.

I was in the gym earlier than usual.

I had coffee later than usual.

I was  daydream on my couch 

I loved a stream that was different than usual.

So Let's get go hang out !

I arranged these. I t was hard work for me....

My imagination was poor.  

I will create a lucky pendant that is the only one in the world 
for you.



にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 天然石・パワーストーンへ
Please click it.